Digital Media Creator

Matt Grossfeld

An Emmy Award winning digital media creator with 18+ years of experience in video production, post production, photography, podcasting and marketing.


Digital media creation is accessible to everyone. Cost and complexity should not be a barrier to entry.
High quality content drives organic engagement. There are no shortcuts to building brand loyalty.
This is a collaboration. I want you to see yourself in the final product and be proud of what you helped create.


VIDEO PRODUCTIONFrom ideation to completion or anything in between. The expressiveness of video makes it a perfect format with which to represent your brand. Create art that conveys your company's values and forms a connection with your audience.

PHOTOGRAPHYThe perfect way to capture a moment. From product shots to company events. From food to portraiture. Photography can connect your brand to its audience by translating an emotion into a powerful image that represents your mission and values.

PODCASTINGOne of the most intimate ways to build a relationship with your audience. Always in their ear. Podcasts can be listened to at home or on the go. While cooking or exercising. Riding a bike or driving a car. Tell your story through audio.

DIGITAL MARKETINGLooking for someone to give constructive feedback on your current digital marketing strategy or not sure where to start? I will give you a professional assessment and present you with a proposal for moving forward. The initial consult is free.


"Matt handled everything I threw at him. He was a huge asset in the cutting room. He would be a welcome addition to any production."Tom Foligno
First Assistant Editor

"Matt has always been someone I knew I could count on to get the job done and get it done right."Bernadette Gonzales
Production Coordinator
(The Walking Dead)

"Matt immediately made an impact with his in-depth knowledge of video formats, Avid, Final Cut systems and understanding of editing workflows."Paul Delmiche
Sr. Post Production Editor
(Martha Stewart)